Best seller eBook Amazon

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Steven Jackson is publishing an eBook on Amazon for the online MLM newbies. It is his new MLM eBook on building a business online called "Beginners guide to online prospecting in network marketing"

The role of this eBook is to lay out a basic plan for running a MLM business online rather than using the more traditional methods such as reaching out to family, friends and colleges.

To help the total beginner to build an MLM business online this eBook will take the reader through all the skills and knowledge needed to succeed. The eBook is broken down into 14 steps and 27 tasks with subject ranging from keyword optimization, content writing and building a warm leads list. The final goal of the eBook is to empower someone new to the MLM industry to become successful by having a plan that works.


Online reader kindle

Dave K, United Kingdom

The "Beginners guide to online prospecting in network marketing" was a life saver for me. I had been struggling for years trying to build a business from home with various network marketing businesses without success until I found this eBook on LinkedIn. It seemed like a lot of work when I first read it, but I soon realized that building a business is a lot of work. Thanks Steve

Publishing with kdp

Ann J, Canada

After many years of not wanting to join a MLM business a friend of mine talked me into it. She first told me I needed to right a warm leads list of all my family and friends that might be interested in joining my business or buying my products. I was sadly disappointed with the response. That is when I found  "Beginners guide to online prospecting in network marketing", a complete guide and system for a beginner like me.

Publishing an ebook on amazon

Lester H, United States

I purchased many eBooks about making money online in MLM, but this one has been the most practical one I have read. The 14 steps and 27 tasks is a nice idea and probably comes from the authors education in pedagogy and his experience MLM and online marketing. The eBook takes the reader through the important stages of building a MLM business online.  Good stuff