How to find a doTERRA rep in my area

Do you Need Help to find a doTERRA rep in your area? We can help you connect with others in your area, just add your name, email address and area below.

Not all Wellness Advocates are the same:

The main issue for many customers and people wanting to become a doTERRA rep is that not all Wellness Advocates are equal.

  • There is the Wellness Advocate that panics when they realize how much work in needed and leave their enrollment kit in the box
  • There is the Advocate that has big plans and intentions but never quite goes beyond opening the box
  • There is the Wellness Advocate that has only ever intended to share the products with friends and family with no intention running a business
  • And then there is the Wellness Advocate that works on her business very part time and happy with that
This situation can make it difficult for that average customer and new advocate to find a doTERRA consultant who is fully committed and willing to provide the products and happy to mentor someone to be successful in their doTERRA business.
So, what is the solution?

We will find a doTERRA rep for you and in your area. So, add your name, email address and area below and we will get back to you.